https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dofefNGZygc Improved version
Song name: “Wings Of Freedom”
Please see description for further details.
Watch In HD,
By: Jim Thach aka MrEpicOSTs
⇒ Please Like and Subscribe for more:
Facebook: on.fb.me/14ePLHt
YouTube: bit.ly/12U07ka
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/mrepicosts/mrepicosts-wings-of-freedom-original-composition-1
⇒ Wallpaper:
Wallpaper 1, Not too sure who the artist is (Please comment below if you know): wallpapersbq.com/shingeki-no-kyojin/shingeki-no-kyojin-wallpaper-20
Wallpaper 2: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38276502
This is completely 100% original. This is like the 2nd part of my first original track “Power of the Human Will”
Please message me on my facebook page or my email [email protected] if you want any use of this song for your videos etc. And please credit by linking it to this video and the name “MrEpicOSTs“.
© Copyrighted by Jim Thach *MrEpicOSTs*